“For my TEDx Verbier presentation Catie was an inspiring and gifted speaker coach. As a seasoned orator I had been happy in my groove, but Catie coaxed me to see new opportunities to grow, and skilfully and enjoyably added new speaker-feathers to my bow. It was a real pleasure to be directed by Catie and I highly recommend her talents!”
- Dr Tim Smith, Particle phyicist, CERN
“I was lucky to have Catie as my coach for a talk I recently gave at TEDx Verbier. Her endless patience – always ready to meet or watch a recording (as we had to work online) – her sensitive ear, her straightforward feedback, and her ability to not only detect problems but always come up with great solutions, helped me greatly in perfecting my performance. Her coaching allowed me to better use intonation in English, to choose what to emphasize, to better work with changing rhythm, pace and volume, and to improve my use of body language. Catie managed to do all this even though all our discussions were done via zoom - her warmth, true enthusiasm, and great sense of humor managed to come across, and made this a fun rather than a stressful experience. I highly recommend Catie if you want to improve your presentation skills. “
- Professor Daphne Joel, Neuroscientist, University of Tel Aviv
“I had the pleasure of collaborating with Catie on our Entrepreneurship program at EBS Geneva, where she spent two days with our 2nd year Bachelor students in Business Development to work on their presentation skills. Catie’s approach to this training was thorough and gave me total confidence in the value she’d be adding to their curriculum.
Despite this training happening remotely, Catie managed to keep a great dynamic throughout the program. I could directly sense the impact that her presentation skills training had made with my students. They presented with more confidence which helped them to better deliver their message.
I can highly recommend Catie if you’re looking to further improve your presentation skills. ”
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Catie on numerous occasions as she facilitated training programs for the large international company where I managed the Learning & Development function. The objective for the training programs we worked together on were to develop the participant’s presentation, communication and influencing skills.
Catie’s in depth knowledge on this subject matter allows her to go beyond as a program facilitator to an individual coach to each and every one of the program’s participants. Catie is able to provide invaluable feedback and devote her enthusiastic energy and time to everyone in the program to help enhance their individual development needs.
Catie has an empathy and understanding that allows her to work with people from different job levels, that have a variety of skill sets and come from diverse cultural backgrounds.
On a personal note, Catie is not only a true professional, she is an incredibly warm and friendly person with a great sense of humour – an absolute joy to be around! She is appreciated by the program participants and program organisers alike.”
“Nous remercions Catie pour son professionnalisme et sa disponibilité lors des Championnats du monde de ski alpinisme 2019 organisé par l’association SkiMo-Villars. Elle a su rendre le live ainsi que toutes les épreuves captivantes grâce à sa grande connaissance de ce sport ainsi que son intérêt pour la région. Durant toute la semaines des championnats elle a su s’adapter aux conditions et tout le comité d’organisation a eu le plaisir de la côtoyer et de travailler avec elle. Nous sommes reconnaissants de son travail et voyons en elle une magnifique ambassadrice pour toutes les compétitions internationales de ski alpinisme.”
“ Catie a travaillé avec toute l’équipe de production télé à l’occasion de l’Africa Eco Race 2018. Catie était la voix anglaise des programmes TV que nous fournissions aux télévisions (Eurosport, Motorsport TV, ...).
Elle a réalisé de nombreuses interviews en anglais, écrivait le dope sheet en Anglais, traduisait les textes du français à l’anglais, et tout cela en un temps record.
Catie s’est instantanément adaptée aux conditions de travail très particulières.
Elle s’est immédiatement montrée très efficace avec une soif permanente d’apprendre dans un nouvel univers pour elle.
Catie a su créer des liens avec les pilotes qui se sont révélés précieux pour notre travail et pour la qualité des émissions que nous produisions.
Son professionnalisme, son implication, sa volonté d’apprendre, sa bonne humeur furent des éléments clés dans la réussite de notre travail.
Je ne peux que recommander Catie.
Merci à toi Catie et à très vite, j’espère, pour de nouvelles aventures. Bref, ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec Catie”
“Thank you very much for your collaboration during Val d’Aran 2017 ISMF World Cup.
Your work as a speaker and your knowledge of the ski mountaineering and the people involved was excellent.
Although it has been our first collaboration together, the work was easy and fun with you.
Thanks and we hope to see you soon. ”
“Ms. Catie Friend has cooperated with us in the last “Font Blanca Skimo World Cup - 2017”.
Her job as a speaker carries the responsibilities of knowing the sport as well as the athletes.
Catie is skilled in live broadcast for that kind of event and is also a good Communicator.
Thank you for your contrubution and interest in this sport!”
“Catie a fait le commentaire en direct lors de notre épreuve de coupe du monde ISMF en France au mois de janvier 2017. Son travail a consisté à présenter le briefing en anglais, faire le commentaire pendant toutes les courses dans les deux langues et gérer les timings très complexes du Sprint Race. Elle a également accueilli les cérémonies des fleurs et protocolaires.
Sa connaissance du sport et des concurrents est excellente et sa voix est très claire. Son léger accent lorsqu’elle parle en français a donné une dimension internationale. Elle est restée calme et professionnelle tout au long malgré quelques perturbations malheureuses. Son autonomie dans la gestion et l’organisation de son travail nous a rendu la tâche beaucoup plus facile. Nous la remercions pour son travail et nous n’hésiterons pas travailler à nouveau avec elle.”
“Catie is a talented and hard-working professional, and it is a pleasure to work with her. She is equally comfortable working on pre-recorded and live programmes, as a reporter, contributor and host. Catie first worked with Mountain Radio Verbier as a contributor, and quickly became acquainted with the intricacies of radio, from the technical to presentational aspects. Since then, she has carved out a well-deserved niche for herself in Verbier, and is often called upon to MC events in the resort.”
“Catie has worked on several multi-media projects with us providing narration and voice-overs for all our promotional and information materials; watch this 3 minute video to hear her last narration. Catie is a pleasure to work with and is proactive, innovative and does not stop until the job is done perfectly. We have had many comments and compliments about her work and we’re proud to call her the official voice of Edulution. We have no hesitation in recommending her. ”