MdS 2022 - Training diary. Week 3


Bit of a belated post but better late than never!

Week three started with doing my long hike on Monday as the grotty weather was coming back in from Tuesday.

Just under 3 hours hiking round our commune in the glorious sunshine was very good for the soul. LOTS of photos taken and general wellbeing was high!

Tuesday was muscle club and then I had the bright idea to run home as the weather still hadn’t appeared. Legs of lead meant a 5km trot home became a walk, jog, shuffle. But by 10am I had done an hour’s strength and conditioning and a 5km run so I felt pretty pleased with myself!

I took Wednesday and Thursday off (two rest days off together will not be happening again, if I can help it - good but you pay for it!) because of general aches and pains plus kids off school, one still quite ill with covid. Physio on Thursday made my hip really, really painful so sleep was elusive.

Friday I squeezed in my first interval training on the treadmill. It was really hard but I secretly quite like interval training. It’s never too long and I always feel very shiny halo afterwards!

Saturday was another treadmill session where I think I went a bit harder than I should have because by Sunday’s bike ride I was very fatigued… Headwind from hell on the way home did not help.

I ended the week feeling very tired but happy becuase I had a lovely Mother’s Day and I had hit all my sessions.

Total training hours: 8h 20mins