Chatting to Niki Doeg and Frances Davies

Frances and Niki mid-ocean.jpg

Niki Doeg and Frances Davies were half of the crew known as Yorkshire Rows, who rowed across the Atlantic as part of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in 2015.

They subsequently wrote a book called “Four Mums in a Boat”, charting their journey from Saturday morning river rowing novices to full blown Ocean rowers.

It is a story of the highs and lows, the mum guilt, the juggling of jobs, families, training, insane amounts of organisation, fund raising and finally the row itself.

The chat is fun and funny. These two middle aged women regularly reminded me of my own girlfriends, trying to carve out precious time for themselves amongst all the noise and busy- ness of life.

We chat about the importance of just saying YES. Even if you feel you’d be no good at it, the slowest, the last, the least “natural” at it.

Saying yes to an adventure led them to finding their truest selves as well as best friends who became like family.

If you want to be inspired to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve something great, then listen to these women.

Then read their incredible book and laugh and cry your way across the Atlantic with them.

Just brilliant.